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Rhyme over Reason: Phonological Motivation in English。

For example, Bloomfield (1933) has a very limited list of fl-, gl-, sn- and b- (as initial ... whose paper is considered as one of the most significant ...。

Persisting Speech Difficulties in Children: Children's Speech and ...。

The remaining 6 clusters, /kl, kw, kr, br, Gl, tw/, were Type 3 clusters, about which Joshua had the most phonological knowledge. He was able to accurately ...。

The Light and Darkness War。

Together, Greg and Tam became "Gl'TW" and among their most transgressive cutting-edge comix creations were multant "war comix" like legian of Charlies ...。

Spelling Book: Words Most Needed Plus Phonics by Dr. Fry。

... brown crew dream free present truck grand brake cross drum front pretty trade grass bring cream drop fruit L family PL CL BL FL SL GL TW play club black ...。

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The New Encyclopaedia, Or, Universal Dictionary of Arts and ...。

... other , is a question that can by no means be deSoft Thow'rs distill'd , and funs gl'tw warm in cided without further experiments . vain . Pope . ( IV . ) ...

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